Thursday, December 8, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree!

So, from the last post, you know that our tree is pretty dang tall.  We got it home, and even trimmed off some more before bringing it in.  When all was said and done, it measured about 12.5-13 feet.  I just love it!  We had to borrow a ladder to decorate it, and it was a little nerve wracking, but it looks great.  I should have probably bought some more balls to hang, because it's kind of sparse, but I still love it!

Dale and Brock bringing it in the house.
Look how tall it is!

Brock stringing the lights.  This is big, because he's really afraid of heights.
Jace always likes putting the star on.  He got this high, and then said Daddy can do it!
I had to get a picture first!
Putting the star on.
The kids loved having the ladder in the house for a couple of days.  Brock and I, not so much.  They all made us a little nervous.

Jace got braver and braver.
This isn't the best picture, but here it is all decorated.  All the kids ornaments are on the bottom, so it looks a little funny, but I just love it!

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