Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Leila is Getting So BIG!

 Well, we FINALLY decided it was time to get rid of the backward facing infant carrier Leila has been in since she was BORN!  Our pediatrician told us that they are now recommending waiting until your child is two years old before turning them around, and Leila never really minded being backwards, so we didn't turn her around.  Well, the last month or so she has just cried and screamed and thrown a fit every time we try to get her in there.  Not to mention she's too big for it, and could hardly fit anymore.  Daddy surprised her last week with the forward facing big kid seat.  We've put her in Nixon's seat every once in a while, and she loves it, but of course, she wasn't having it when we got her her own.  She cried and threw a fit anyway!
 Then she finally decided to be happy.  Here is the arrangement we have now.  We usually have Jace in the 3rd row, but a while back we had to use the back to take something somewhere, and he's been up with the others ever since. He likes being in on the action.  Brock and I threaten to move him back just about every car ride because he and Nixon love to bug each other.

I thought I should try pig tails in Leila's hair, just to see what it looked like.  I have to admit, I thought she looked so dang cute!  She pretty much takes bows off as soon as you put them on, and rips ponytail holders out after a while too, so I took this picture before day care the other day.  They were still in when I picked her up, but by the time we got home, she had ripped them out.  
 One of our favorite things that Leila does right now is points at things.  I know that sounds silly, but she does it so cute-ly!  Her hand is kind of in a fist, and she brings it right up by her face and points to something.  Usually it's when she's mad and wants something.  It's one of Brock's favorite things, and he always tells me he wants a picture.  I tried the other day, but by the time I had grabbed my camera, she wasn't doing it anymore.  I tried to make her do it, and this is what I got.

Love her!

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