Tuesday, March 6, 2012

30th Birthday Getaway

 The weekend before my big 3-0, I went with some of my favorite ladies to the Worldmark in Midway.  I feel so lucky to still be friends with these girls - some since elementary, some since high school, and some even in the last few years!  I appreciate all of them so much for taking time out of their busy lives to help me celebrate. 
Jenn, Stephanie West, Alisha, and I all went up first and got there around 4:30.  We just sat around chatting, painting nails, and waiting for the others to arrive.

On our way to Baja Cantina (a favorite Park City restaurant of mine) we had to snap a couple car shots!

Then, once we got to the restaurant, there was an hour wait for our big group, so Jenn took some fun pictures of everyone.

Someone told them it was my birthday, so they gave me this really cute hat, and everyone sang to me.  I got a yummy ice cream sundae.

Here are the waitress's attempts at getting a group shot.  She missed 3 1/2 people in the front of the first shot...

and we all made it in the second.

Then it was off to the grocery store for some much needed treaties (I called them that, and everyone made fun of me!  I guess my kids are getting to me!) and breakfast for the next morning.  We couldn't just walk in and out quietly though.  We had to have a little fun along the way!
Jenn thought this was cute, and wanted to try it on.  So cute on!!
 We saw these fun leprechaun hats with hair on them and had to do some fun dancing and jumping.
Then I had to take off my coat.  It was hindering my jumping abilities!  Maybe it was the 6 inch heels!

Steph had to show me how it was done.   

 Once the loot was purchased, we headed back to the condo for some late night chatting.  I didn't get any pictures, but you can imagine the fun.  The next morning we woke up and had breakfast, and half of the group left.  The rest of us hung out and played a never ending card game that was fun, but LONG!  Then headed down to the pool for some relaxing in the hot tub.  
Lynette, Shandra, and her sweet baby Oakley

Lindsey, Steph, Jenn

Heather made it into this pic
Jenn, me, and Lynette
 Here are the pictures of all of our candy stashes throughout the condo.  We had to have several, so they would be at hand anywhere we went.
 The intense card playing crew.
Me, Lindsey, Steph, and Jenn

This was one of the best nights I've had in a long time.  I was so happy that so many of my favorite people took time out of their lives to come be with me.  I think friendships are so important, and I am so lucky to have to many good ones.  It's hard to believe that I am 30, and that we are all there, or will be there shortly!  I still feel like we're all in high school whenever we get together.  I love sharing stories of "the good old days", and stories of our crazy children filled lives now.  I love you all, and wouldn't trade you for anything!

1 comment:

  1. It was SO fun! Thanks for inviting me and I loved meeting all your cute friends. They are so nice
