Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Classic Skating

Classic Skating in Layton had a free night for the kids at Foxboro Elementary and their families.  Jace really wanted to go, so I decided to take him and Nixon and have a fun adventure.  I haven't been roller skating in probably 15 years, and Jace and Nixon had never tried it, so lets just say, it was quite the adventure!  We didn't see anyone we recognized from Foxboro either, so Jace was a little disappointed.  We had tons of fun though!

Our cute boys with their skates on
I haven't laughed as hard as I did this night in a long time!  I was a bit rusty myself, and I was trying to keep two wobbly kids stable!  Jace couldn't figure out how to move forward.  He just stayed in place while his feet took turns moving forward and backward.  Nixon's wheels were plastic, so it was a little bit easier to move.  He basically was just walking.  I finally gave in and rented a little walker type thing to help Jace.  

 It didn't do much good though.  He still couldn't figure out how to propel himself.  I got behind him and pushed the walker while he held on and went for a ride.  After I felt like he gave it a valiant effort, I told him he could go get his scooter.  He was off on his own from then on.  Then Nixon got to use the walker.

 I pushed Nixon around for a few laps, and then he decided he wanted his scooter too. 

This is him jumping off of his scooter.

Love these two!
I asked someone to take a picture of the three of us to prove that I was indeed wearing skates.  Pretty cute right?  We really did have so much fun.  We ended up staying until 9:00, and my legs were so sore for the next couple of days!  Quite the workout!

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