Thursday, March 8, 2012


Our friends invited us to go sledding a couple of weeks ago, and the kids had so much fun.  We went up to Mueller Park Jr High to find some big fun sledding hills, and were finally able to use our tube that we got for Christmas!  There really has been almost no snow this year, so the kids were so excited!

Jace was having fun just rolling down the hill without a sled.

 Leila really had so much fun.  She would say YEE HAW! on the way down, and then as soon as we got to the bottom, she's say 'gain, 'gain!

Jace and Madelyn making snow angels.

Nixon went down mostly with Dyson.  They were troopers!  They'd help each other carry the tube back up and go down over and over.

 Kylie brought her snowboard, and Jace really wanted to try it.  He lasted about 2 seconds before he fell, but he kept trying!  He thought it was so fun!  
Lynette and Kylie helping him get balanced.

Izabel and Leila

My cute bundled kids with the beautiful view of Bountiful behind them.

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