Tuesday, March 20, 2012

So Cool!

Jace does this move when he thinks he's cool, where he folds his arms, leans back to one side, makes a cool face, and nods his head.  He does it when he beats you at something, or listens to a cool song, or like when we were in Midway and he and Brock beat their record in ping pong, and hit the ball back and forth 9 times in a row!  It is seriously hilarious, and these pictures do NOT do it justice!  After church, again, while I was on my cruise, Brock found all three kids doing it.  Jace must have thought they had done something "cool move" worthy, and taught the others how to do it. 


  1. AH! SO CUTE!! I love Leila's "cool" face! Adorable!

  2. That is hilarious! I think that Jace is such a cute big brother.
