Monday, April 16, 2012

Fake Easter

Since Grandma and Grandpa K were going to be out of town for "real" Easter, we decided to celebrate the week before.  The kids didn't seem to mind at all! 
We started outside for the egg hunt.  The kids love love love this!  Leila even got to get into it this year!

 Holding up all their loot!
 Then it was time to go inside and search for their Easter baskets.  Grandma and Grandpa always spoil them!

 Then they took all their eggs apart and checked out what was in their baskets.  They pretty much ate candy all day!

 While the adults started to hunt for our eggs and baskets, Grandma helped the kids dye and paint eggs.

Then we had a yummy BBQ.  We just love Easter around these parts!  We are so lucky to have a Grandma and Grandpa who love it just as much!

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