Tuesday, April 17, 2012

'Tis the Season!

For T-Ball, Baseball, and Soccer!  We've been having practices for a while, but just really started games this week.  Jace and Nixon both had soccer games last week, but this week starts baseball too!  Our lives from now until the end of May are going to be pretty crazy!  Jace has soccer every Wednesday, Nixon every Saturday, and they both have 2 baseball games a week.  There are several nights where they both play on the same night, and twice where it's at the exact same time!  It's crazy, but we love it!  Jace's soccer team is the Scorpions, and his baseball team (coach pitch) is the Storm.  Nixon's soccer team is the Green Giants, and his T-Ball team is the Iron Pigs!  Jace's first baseball game was last night, and he did awesome!  They count outs now, and he never struck out, or got out at the base.  He had an awesome close call at third base where he slid into 3rd, and was barely safe!  It was awesome!  While he was playing 3rd base he caught the line drive hit to him and got the runner out!  And if I hadn't been so intent on watching it happen, I might have gotten a picture of it!  Here are some fun pictures from last night.

He's #11.  Up to bat.

Playing in the outfield.  He's the one with his legs spread wide with the red socks.

Getting ready to bat again.

Running to 1st

Running home

Here he is playing 3rd Base
Down and Ready!  As his coaches say

Here he is right before his awesome 3rd base play

And here he is standing on his base getting him out!
Throwing back to the pitcher.

Running fast into 3rd where he was barely safe!

It is so much fun watching my kids play sports.  It's fun chatting with all the moms too!  Granny and Grandpa and Grandma and Grandpa K were all able to come to this game.  It was a lot of fun, and we're so proud of Jace!


  1. The baseball game was so much fun! Jace did great. I do think that the soccer games are a riot! We definately have the cutest team EVER!!
