Thursday, May 24, 2012

Silver Lake

Last Sunday a bunch of friends in our neighborhood thought it would be fun to head up to Silver Lake for a picnic and a little hike. It really was so much fun!  We got up there around 1:30 and ate lunch. 

Then the kids started to wander around and found a huge pile of snow to play in!  Luckily it was pretty warm outside even though there were still random piles of snow everywhere.

We started walking on the path around the lake.  There were quite a few of us!
 Leila liked her spot on Daddy's shoulders.

The kids spotted a chipmunk up in the tree!

Uh oh, snow on the path!  The kids loved it!  The people with strollers...not so much!

Here is a picture of all the kids.  I accidentally cut Austin out though!  He's in the stroller on the left!

And we had to get one with our cute family.  The lake was beautiful!

The kids saw lots of holes in the ground, and thought they were snake holes!  Then they started seeing little animals they wanted to chase up the hill.

We stopped for a minute to enjoy the view.

 Here are all the ladies who came.  The men wouldn't pose for a picture :(
Michelle, Erin, Lynette, Me, Lyndsey, Heather, and Jessi
 Iza and Leila enjoying their free ride around the lake. 

When we finished the "hike" we sat around and chatted for a while, then the ladies played spoons until we had to leave.  The kids played, and the hubbies sat around acting like they were watching the kids!  Except for Brock and Todd who were actually up playing with them!  JK.  Spoons was fun, but we agreed that next time it will be full contact spoons!  This was such a good idea, and such a fun way to spend a beautiful Sunday afternoon. 

1 comment:

  1. You guys are always having so much fun, I need to join in lol. By the way, your outfit was so so cute, love those red toms!
