Saturday, July 7, 2012

Real Father's Day

For Father's Day this year, I did a photo project for Brock.  I think it turned out really cute, and now it's in his office on display.  I got the idea from Pinterest, of course, and took pictures of the kids with the letters of DAD.  With three kids, it worked out perfectly!  Below are several of the pictures I took, and the final product. 

Brock is just the greatest dad, and really deserves so much more on Father's Day.  He didn't even take the day to relax.  He was doing laundry and cleaning up most of the day.  I kept telling him not to, that he has the day off and should relax, but he wouldn't listen to me.  That is just one of the reasons he is the best dad ever!  He loves our kids so much, and would rather be with them than anyone.  They are his priority in life, and they sure love him so much!  I have really loved watching him in the father role, and learned so much from him.  I am so grateful to have him as my partner on this crazy journey.  We love you Daddy!

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