Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Seven Peaks

Brock took the day off yesterday so that we could go to Seven Peaks together.  Dale, Shauna, Brenda, Chloe, Kallie, Beckett, and Griffin came with us.  We had so much fun, and were actually able to ride some of the slides since it wasn't just me with 3 kids!

Brock and Jace

Jace, Beckett, and Nixon

Chloe and Leila

Kallie and Griffin


Nixon at the bottom of the slide

Grandpa just relaxing, watching all his grandkids.

Leila playing in the little waterfall

Jace's favorite thing is this rope thing.  He loves it, and is getting really good at it!

Beckett wanted to try, but can't reach the ropes so he just jumped from floaty to floaty.

Then Nixon did that too

Playing at the little water playground

Grandpa helping Griffs

Grandma and Jace




She was done after this one!


Brock and Jace

Kallie and Beckett

Me and Nixon

Crash landing!

Playing at their little splash pad

Kallie is on the blue one


Brock is at the top of the blue one, about to come down

There he is!

Now on to the wave pool.  Leila with Aunt Brenda

Brock and Nixon in the middle - Jace on the bottom right

Brock, Nixon, Jace, Chloe, Grandpa, Beckett, Kallie, and Griffin

Just waiting for the waves to start

Here they come!

So fun!

Leila and Griffin were having fun where the waves were just their size

Grandpa with his Leila girl

Brenda and Kallie wanted to go down the pink slides

I totally missed Brenda!  Here's Kallie!
It was such a fun day, and we wish daddy could come with us every time we go swimming!  It's way more fun with daddy!  One more month of summer!

1 comment:

  1. What a fun day at Seven Peaks! I agree, it's way more fun when daddies come with us. I love that you took so many pictures!
