Monday, July 16, 2012

Tennis and Archery

The other day I asked Brock if he would look into tennis lessons for me.  Brock is really good, and I would love to be able to just go out and play with him.  Well, I should have known, about an hour later he had Jace all signed up for tennis and archery lessons!  Brock took both of those classes when he was a kid, and Jace thought it would be fun too.  He started last week, and he has tennis every Mon, Wed, and Fri, and archery every Tues, and Thurs for two more weeks.  He has really enjoyed both, and it's been a good excuse for us to get up and out of bed to be to the park by 9:00am every day.

Balancing the ball on his racket.

One of his friends from his kindergarten class is in his tennis class too!

He hit the target a few times on his first day, and his first time up on his second day, plus a bunch more!  He really likes archery.  I think it's especially fun since we just saw the movie Brave the other weekend, and there is some archery in it.  He looks pretty cute with a racket and a bow in his hand!  Nixon can't wait until next summer when he can do it too!

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