Monday, August 6, 2012

Days 6 and 7

Thursday I don't think I took a single picture!  The men and Granny went golfing in the morning, and were back around 1:30, so Treo and I took the kids to the pool.  Then we had lunch and naps, and headed to Outback for dinner.  One of my very favorites! 
Then on Friday, we went swimming with Daddy which is always so much more fun than with just mommy.  He was throwing the kids all over the place, and they had such a good time.  We put arm floaties on Leila for the first time, and after the initial shock and some screaming, she did great!  She screamed because I set her in the water, and walked away.  I wanted to let her learn to balance herself.  Once she figured it out 5 seconds later, she was all smiles!  She loved floating all by herself. Treo had to work all day, and Nolan had to take Kash to his 2 year well check at the doctor, but then came and swam with us after. 

Nixon and Daddy

Leila floating for the first time.  That's Jace on the blue noodle

Jaylee doesn't like to go under the water, so she hung out with Brock while we were in the big pool.

She was such a good swimmer!  She would kick her legs and go wherever she wanted!  She loved her new found freedom in the water!

Nixon was so awesome on this trip!  He would jump in and swim to daddy, and then swim all the way back by himself!  Jace got better too.

Leila did great jumping to me too!  I let her jump totally on her own, and she went all the way under, and didn't like that very much, but she was great if I would catch her on the way down.

Here are the boys doing Jace new move the "Cannon Kick!"  a cannonball while kicking
Justin and Julia drove in around 7:30 so we went to Don Pedro's for dinner with them, and then went back to the condo.  The kids had to hot tub of course.

We only had 2 swim diapers left, and two days left, so we let Leila get in in her regular diaper.  It was pretty huge when she got out.

Aunt Juju was practicing guitar, and Leila wanted to help her, so she climbed onto her foot, and strummed along with her.

1 comment:

  1. What a fun-filled time in St. George! No wonder you and your kids are so tan after all the playing in the pool. I'm glad you guys are back!
