Monday, August 6, 2012

Half Way There!

Here I am  on my way to Bunco the other night.  I asked Brock to snap a picture to show me at 20 weeks.  At this point I had gained about 17 pounds, and felt pretty big for only being 20 weeks.  I have been feeling fine mostly.  Besides being really tired, and getting a little sick when I get too hot, I can't complain too much.  I hope to take pictures more often to document the huge-ness that I will become, so hopefully I do that.  I'm also trying to grow my hair out again, but am tempted to cut it every time I see a cute short hairstyle.  It's kind of in that awkward middle stage that is hard to get through.  I'll try to be tough, but don't be surprised if it's cut the next time you see me! 


  1. Despite how you may think you look, you look so great! I love your cute baby bump.

  2. Take off your clothes for us. You look beautiful and I'd love to see you naked.
