Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Jace's First Day of First Grade!

I know I say it all the time, but I just can not believe Jace is starting 1st Grade!  Real gone-all-day school!  I feel like it is the start of a new chapter in our lives where he will now be out of our house more than he is in it.  It makes me sad.  I miss him.  He's my little buddy, and I miss him being in my house.  I have had to hold back the tears a couple of times today because I just can't believe this day is here.  Luckily today is a short day, so he's gone from 8:35 to 1:15, but starting tomorrow, he'll be gone until 3:30!  Crazy!  I have been so lucky to be this little boy's mom, and I am so proud of him.  He wasn't scared at all!  He came in my room before I had to wake him up, and had a big smile on his face.  I asked him if he was ready, and he nodded a big yes!  He got himself dressed, and his teeth brushed, and all morning as we were getting ready I would catch his face in the mirror or just glance over at him, and he would have a smile on his face.  When I asked him how he was feeling last night he did say he was a bit sad, and that he was going to miss me, but he wasn't nervous about starting school.  Brock was sad that he had to miss walking him to school today because of meetings, but I wanted to put his Facebook status from this morning.
"How am I ever going to be okay letting my kids go out into the world by themselves when I am so worried about sending my big guy to 1st grade, stressing about all he'll have to go through?  Will he be scared, will he get his feelings hurt, will he treat people the way he should, will he get what he needs from his teacher?  I love you Jace - I hope I have done my job in preparing you for this and hope I can continue to help shape you into a man." 
Yeah, pretty sure these kids of mine have the best dad ever!  We love you Jace, and know you'll do great this year!

On our way out the door.

Nixon and Leila giving him good luck hugs!

He wanted to ride his scooter. 

In line with his class.  It was fun to see some fun familiar faces from last year, and new ones too!

Hailey and Lizzie from his class last year.

Cute girls from our ward in his class.

Walking with his new class to his new classroom.

I snuck in with some of the other parents, and was so happy he turned around so I could get a quick picture.  He's in the white shirt in the middle.
We miss him already!  Nixon and Leila have been asking about him, where he is, when will we go het him.  Luckily, we're only about an hour out now! 


  1. Sweet, what a lucky boy he is to have such wonderful parents and what lucky parents to have such a sweet boy.

    Love, Mom

  2. Jace is so big!! I can't believe he's in first grade. He's such a smart kid too!
