Monday, August 6, 2012

St George - Days 1 and 2

We have had this trip to St. George planned pretty much since my parents came home in April.  We wanted to spend some time with Nolan and Treo and their family, so my parents got their condo for a week and we headed down on Saturday, the 28th of July.  Brock had to work a few days the next week, so the kids and I packed into Granny and Grandpa's van, and made our way down.  The kids were so excited to drive in their car because they have two DVD players in the ceiling.  I have to admit, I was pretty excited about that too!  They got to our house around noon, and we were off!  Well, we had to go back to their house because Granny forgot her temple recommend and we wanted to go while we were down there, then we drove to Nephi and stopped for lunch, and to get Kash some birthday presents, then we were on our way!  We got into St. George and went straight to Nolan and Treo's house.  It was so fun to see them and Jaylee and Kash.  We chatted for a bit, and then we left them and went to dinner and to the condo. 
The next morning was Sunday, and we went to sacrament meeting with them bright and early at 9:00!  Then we headed back and went swimming.  That night we went to Nolan and Treo's to celebrate Kash's 2nd birthday.  We had dinner, and then cake and ice cream, and opened presents.  The Olympics started two days before, so we watched some that night and then headed back to the condo. 

He's a little excited that we're singing to him


Leila found Jaylee's baby, and stroller, and was so happy!

1 comment:

  1. Nice boy would like to see his penis wonder if he is circumcised
