Monday, September 17, 2012

Bear Lake

Our friends Todd and Heather Jones invited us, the Watts, and the Dowdy's to spend Labor Day weekend at their condo at Bear Lake.  It was so much fun!  Right when we got there, all the kids changed into their swimming suits as fast as they could!  We unpacked the cars, ate lunch, and then headed to one of the fun pools.

While we were waiting for everyone to come outside, I had to get a picture of Brock on the pole.  He's being blown away by the wind!!
The pool we went to the first day had a slide and a diving board.  The kids were in heaven!



Brock had to show all the kids up and do a back flip.  The kids thought it was pretty awesome!

Nixon was so brave and went on the diving board with no floaties or life jacket on!
The mommas.  Leila and Braylon snuck into the picture with us. 
 We had been watching some thunder clouds rolling in, and when we started seeing lightning in the distance, we decided to leave the pool and head back to the condo for some fun inside.  Kylie and McKenlie were dying to paint nails, so they painted anyone who would let them.  They didn't even ask the moms!  They painted all the little girls, and even the little boys nails!  Even some of the daddy's were nice enough to get manicures!  Jace and Nixon were happy to oblige, but not Leila for some reason. 

I love that he is checking them out, and I love Kylie's face even more!
Jace got blue with purple sparkles.  So cute.

Nixon went with blue on his toes, and a more classic red on his fingers.

Oh, so cute boys! 

When we got home and gave them baths, it took forever to get those sparkles off, but we had to before school the next day!
 The downpour continued outside, so we played some games for a while too.  The little kids played Angelina Ballerina.  My poor boys were surrounded by all this girly stuff!  (they loved it!)
Nice dance moves boys!
Some of the older kids played spot it
And Jordan and Jace tried to play back gammon. 

Once Nix and Dyson were tired of dancing, they laid down to watch some cartoons. 
 Pretty soon the clouds rolled on by and it was nice and sunny again.  The kids (and adults) were excited to get back outside.  I took the picture below from our balcony.  It was so nice to go right outside to this fun grassy area for all kinds of games. 

The moms played croquette, and it was just like the good old days at the ranch growing up.  Little did they all know that I'm practically a pro!  JK.  But I did win!
We went out to dinner that first night at a fun restaurant on the golf course called Coopers.  It looked over the lake and was really pretty.  The food was yummy too!
Since our group was so big, we had to split up.  We got to sit with the Watts
Then it was back to the condo.  We put Little Rascals in for the kids, and the adults got busy playing games.  Some of the guys went to the other condo where Paul and Jessi were staying to watch some football, and once everyone but the moms was in bed we snuck out to the lake.  It was chilly, but so much fun to go swimming under a full moon!  It was beautiful!  We didn't end up getting back until 2 in the morning!  Love these girls!
There is a loft in the condo, and some of the kids were watching the movie from up there.  Here's Jace

Leila and Addi
The other kids watching downstairs.
Most of the gamers.  Lynette is taking the pic, and you can't really see Lola, Heather's grandma.  We played games every night, and any spare moment during the day.  So much fun!
 The next morning we ate breakfast, and were happy to see that it was a sunny beautiful morning.  We headed outside.  The boys played baseball, and the girls went searching for seashells.  Then when the girls came back, we played volleyball for a bit before heading out to the beach.  The men stayed out a little longer and played a "real" game of volleyball.
Good morning!  Braylon, Leila, Nix, and Dyson

Jordan and Jace playing catch with Todd and Brock
Heather, Me, and Lynette watching

Jace loves to dip his head in the water

Leila was done getting pictures in the water!

Much better in the warm sand.

You can't really tell in these pictures, but Jace is filling his shorts with sand. 

It looked like he had a huge bum!  It was pretty funny.
From the beach we headed to the other pool to get cleaned up.  This pool was warmer, but didn't have a diving board.  It did have a slide though, so it was still super fun. I got no pictures at this pool. 
Cute Iza and Addi walking with Leila to the pool

 When we finally decided that we'd had enough swimming, we headed back to get dried off and cleaned up a bit.  Leila took a nice long nap, and we headed outside to play volleyball.  We played one game, and then another, and since it was 1 to 1 we had to play 2 out of three!  We were out there forever!  It was so fun! (and not just because my team won!!)
All the cute kids kept themselves busy while the adults were playing.

My awesome serving skills - look even better while pregnant!

Leila is pretty cute, even when she takes her piggy's out and has crazy hair!
After our long game of volleyball, we were all pretty starved, so we headed in for yummy tacos.  We put the kids to bed and played some new fun games.  We only stayed up until midnight that night though! 
The next morning, our last day, the men went golfing, and the rest of us went back to the pool with the diving board.   So fun! 

Leila and Iza ready for some swimming!

Jace and Jordan had so much fun on this slide!  One would go down and stop himself at the bottom and then the other would go down and push the first one off.  They must have done it a hundred times!

Then, Jace wanted to slide, but not get it the cold water, so he'd stop at the bottom and climb out.  Silly boy.

We headed back to the beach one last time. 

All the cute kids!

Funny faces!

And the moms.  I am 25 weeks here.

Leila and Iza were making soup.  Yum!

Jace made a monster arm!

 We headed back to the warm pool one last time too.  We had to pack as much in as we could on the last day!
Here is Jace kicking Jordan into the water

And Jordan kicking Jace
We finally headed back to the condo, just as the men were getting back from golf.  We got all packed up and were so sad to be leaving.  On our way out we stopped and got raspberry shakes which were delicious!  Actually, we only got one to share, and by the time I got it back to the car where Brock was waiting with the kids, they were all asleep, so only Brock and I had to share!  Yum!  This weekend was jam-packed and so much fun.  We are so grateful to have such fun friends in our ward and neighborhood, and can't wait to do it again next year! ;)


  1. seriously SO much fun! One of my highlights from the summer! I can't wait to do it again!

  2. You are so good at taking many pictures to remember everything! And you look so cute :)
