Saturday, September 22, 2012

Jace and the Sharks

Jace had his first soccer game this week too, and oh my gosh were they fun to watch!  These boys have been playing together for a few years now, and are getting so good!  They have entered a new phase where they have 12 minute quarters instead of 8, and there are 5 players on the field instead of 4.  The goals are bigger, and they now have a goalie.  They killed the other team, and Jace got 3 of their goals!  He is just awesome, and each player on his team is really good.  And except for the fact that it was so so hot outside, we had lots of fun!  The first half their goal was on the far side, so the pictures aren't very good.  Luckily two of his goals were in the 2nd half, and much closer to us.  Good job Jace!  We are just so proud of you!

Practicing before the game started.  Jace is on the left

You can't see their numbers, but he is number 7.  I'm telling you, his long hair sure has been helpful for finding him in pictures!

He's the one about to kick it


GOAL!  Somehow all of his goals bring him to his knees!

Giving the other team a cheer.

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