Monday, October 8, 2012

Jace is 7!

Oh boy!  Where do I start with this handsome little man of mine???  Was there ever a time when he wasn't in my life?  Seven years has just flown by, and it's hard to imagine our lives before Jace was a part of them!  This boy makes me so happy.  He goes to school full time now, and I miss him so much!  He loves it though!  He comes home from school every day happy as can be and yells, "I'm home!" as soon as he walks in the door every day.  I take him to school every day with Nixon and Leila, and he walks home with his friends.  Such a big boy.  He is still in the French Immersion program, and in 1st grade that means that half of his day, or about 3 1/2 hours in completely taught in French!  His teacher never says a word in English!  I just can't imagine.  He loves school, but his favorite parts are recess, lunch, and whenever he gets to leave the classroom - P.E., music, computers, or library.  He reads for at least 20 minutes a day, but if he finds a book he likes, he can read for hours at a time.  He really amazes me and Brock.  He plays baseball and soccer, and says he likes soccer a little bit better.  He is awesome, and so fun to watch!  He truly is such a great big brother, and though he did want another little sister, he is really excited for this baby boy to join our family in December.  He thinks it's really cool to feel my belly and feel the baby kicking.  He is usually nice to Nixon, and always nice to Leila.  He is just the sweetest person, and I want him to stay that way forever.  He makes friends easily, and would rather make someone laugh than just about anything.  He hates to disappoint his dad, and feels really bad if he ever does.  His 7 year well check isn't until November, so I don't have his stats yet, but he seems about average when compared to the other kids in his grade.  He has lost 4 teeth on the bottom, and his two front teeth are getting looser and looser every day.  It's only a matter of time.  I just can't imagine a better first child.  I love him so much, and just love watching him learn and do new fun things.

His birthday was filled with so many fun things!  He woke up to find 7 balloons hanging from his ceiling!  So fun!

 Then he got to open a few presents from mom and dad and Nixon and Leila

A new game player!  He was so excited about the new Nintendo 3DS

Aw, love these two!  Thanking Nix for the fun new game

Leila got him a game too!

They're all checking out his new presents

Everyone got dressed and then Jace wanted to play

Leila asked if I wanted to come see the balloons.  When I got in there, she put her arms up and said, "Tada!"

It is Spirit Week at school, and Jace's birthday was "Crazy Sock Day"
Later in the day, around 3:00 before school got out, I took cupcakes to Jace's class.  Since it was the second half of the day, he was in his French class.  They sang Happy Birthday in French, and it was really fun.

Nixon and Leila got to come eat cupcakes too!
Then, right after school, Jace had baseball practice.  I thought it would be fun to take cupcakes for them too.  They all sang to Jace too!  So cute!
 That night we told Jace he could pick anywhere to eat dinner.  Big surprise, he immediately answered, "Chili's!"  He loves their chips and salsa.

He even got a free brownie and ice cream!

Such a fun birthday for such a fun birthday boy!  We have even more celebrating to come with the Keddington family!  SPOILED!

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