Thursday, October 11, 2012

Scary Hill

Jace has been talking about going to Scary Hill all summer since they had signs for it every time we went to Cherry Hill.  He knew it was open in October, so he asked if we could go there for his birthday.  Well, we ended up doing just that!  It was really fun too.  We asked the Keddingtons, Handys, and Miners to come with us, and we had lots of fun.  First up was mini golf.  They had it set up all cute - and scary - for Halloween. 

We loved this huge spider!


Brenda, Dale, and Shauna

I wanted our family in front of this Scary Hill sign, but my huge belly cast a shadow covering the whole sign - and Nixon!

Next up was the bouncy house:
 Then the batting cages:
Uncle Steve showed everyone up hitting the fast pitches



 Jace loves mazes, and thought this one was so fun:
 They had so much fun burying themselves in the ball pit

Can you spot the kids?  Jace, Becks, and Nixon

Jace jumping in

Nixon doing a cannon ball!

Leila wanted to jump in too!
 Up next was the rock wall:
They both made it to the top!

Jace's hair got super staticky in the ball pit

Throwing balls at the camera

 We got to go into the ball blaster room too.  It was so fun.  The lights turned off and black lights turned on, and we got to shoot each other with foam balls.  Brock and I were laughing so hard trying to shoot each other!  I got him in the head a few times!  It was so fun!
Posing with their awesome glasses
Even Leila got to come in

Here we are with our cute glasses

My camera would obviously flash, so you can't tell how dark it was, but it was really cool.  Everything was glowing

I love this shot!  Brock shot one right at me when I was getting a picture

Posing with Frankenstein

Jace didn't get to bat with the men before because only the fast pitch was available, so we went back when the slow pitch didn't have a line.
 Then, last up was the tractor ride.  By this time we were all pretty cold, so we huddled up and enjoyed the ride.  They had lots of fun spooky things along the way.  The kids loved it.  Jace kept saying, "Hey guys!  Look at that!"  "Ooh, look over there!"  It was fun.

The kids loved the skeletons laying out and floating down the lazy river.

Jace posing like the skeletons playing baseball behind him.
Jace's party was so much fun!  Kallie said that Beckett woke up the next morning and said, "Jace's party was the best party ever!"  We're so glad everyone liked it!  We went to Arella's afterwards for dinner, and Jace got ice cream since we were celebrating his birthday.  The waiter said that they don't really sing or anything, but we could if we wanted to, then he walked away.  Jace said, "I want you to sing to me."  So we did.  Love him!  We had one last birthday celebration last night at Grandma B's so we could do presents.  I forgot my camera, and I'm so bummed!  Everyone spoiled him rotten, and Jace had such a great birthday week!  We sang one last time and had cupcakes.  I told Jace that his birthday is officially over now because Griffin's birthday is the 8th and it's time to start his celebrations. He was fine with that ;)


  1. That is adorable! I want to go to Scary Hill now that I see how much fun it can be. Jace is turning into such a big man. I love his sweet personality! Happy Birthday, Jace!
