Friday, December 7, 2012

Sanders Family Reunion - Aspen Grove

DAY 1:

We were so lucky to get to have another Sanders Family Reunion at Aspen Grove for Thanksgiving.  This year there were 77 people that came, and it was so much fun!
Day one was pretty much just everyone trickling in at different times, and catching up with one another.  Uncle Dave and his wife Leslee made burritos for dinner that night.  Then we played some games and just had fun talking with each other late into the night.

Everyone just sitting around chatting and waiting for dinner

My fabulous Aunt Robin pretty much did all the planning for this huge event.  She made this awesome family tree with everyone's names on a leaf.

Then she had set up a table for everyone to draw a picture of what they are thankful for to make a "Thankful Quilt" to hang on the wall.

 Here is Aunt Robin explaining game number 1.  It was a huge tape ball filled with candy.  Each person got a turn to try to unwrap as much candy as they could while the person in front of them rolled two dice trying to get doubles.  Once they rolled doubles, it was their turn to try, and the next person started rolling.  It was really hard at first, especially since the adults had to wear snow gloves!

Waiting patiently for their turn

Paula is trying to get some candy!

Leah's long beautiful hair!

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