Friday, December 7, 2012

Aspen Grove Day 3

The next morning started off with a 9am Zumba class taught by Annie.  It was a lot of fun to watch!


A couple of spectators


 After Zumba was more playing outside.  The kids at the park again, and whoever was up for it played Ultimate Frisbee. 

Jay's daughters Juliette and Scarlett, Paula's daughter Logan, Melanie's daughter Ali, Jaylee, Kash, Bella, and Leila in front

Julia trying to block the throw

Aaron finding someone to throw to

Brock about to block Kelsie's throw

I love Brock's face in this one!  He wants to get that frisbee

Julia reaching for the frisbee

Group shot

Leah and Bella heading back to the lodge

A 4 generations shot with Great Grandpa, Grandpa, Nolan, and Kash
 Then it was time again for more games.  Robin planned another fun competition where everyone was involved and broken into 5 teams - one for each of her siblings.  I was on Team Provo - my Uncle Dave's team.  We pretty much killed it!  We first had several stations to go to, each with their own task.  And we had a time limit to get to all of them.  We did pretty well on those ones.  I think we won.  Then started the head to head challenges.  The first one was putting a puzzle together with a teammate.  Kira Spongberg and I competed in this one for our team and slaughtered the others!  We were done so fast!  All that puzzling I do at the cabin and on the iPad actually came in handy! No pictures of that event.
Jace was up for our team for the next challenge.  He and his partner had to each roll a die and try to be the first to get doubles 10 times.  They won!

Katie had to unwrap a whole bag of tootsie rolls looking for a "special" wrapper.  She unwrapped all but one before she found it!

Michael on our team had to use a toothpick (or something like that) to fish as many safety pins out of rice that he could. 

Jace was up for our team again on playing Match.  No surprise - he won!

Kira competed for our team to make a turkey with stickers. 

Justin, Nixon, and I had to flip a towel from one side to the other while standing on it!  Not the easiest with my big belly in the way!

The last competition was an eating one, and Chris Cates competed for our team.  It was a bowl of really spicy noodles. 

I love all the bald heads - and Paula - going at it!  Grandpa, Chris Norton, Paula, Brian Cates, and Chris Cates

Grandpa killed everyone!  He was done minutes before anyone else was

After Robin was able to tally the scores from all parts of the competition, my team, Team Provo WON!

After that, it was time for a treasure hunt!  Grandpa had gone around and hidden clues, and all the kids had to read a clue to send them to the next spot.  

Jaylee got tired of all the running

After a couple of clues, they decided that it would be best to have everyone hold hands so that the little kids had a chance to hear the clues

They made it to the treasure!

Brock had been wanting to play some ping pong, and defend his championship from 2 years earlier, so we headed to the game room.  First he played Grandpa

While I played Ron - and lost :)

Then he played Jeanne

Then Brock and I played Ron and Jeanne, and won!  It was a close game

 Then, before Brock and I could even play against each other, we had to head back for dinner.  He was pretty bummed that a real competition for the title never really happened.  People just weren't into it this year.  Mostly because they couldn't move after football, zumba, and ultimate frisbee!
After dinner was the family talent show.  Everyone gathered around to watch a few families participate.

Jaylee wanted to show off some gymnastics

Jay and Liz's family was first up.  They sang a couple of primary songs and did the actions

Then Julia was up, and serenaded us with some pretty songs

Kash, Jaylee, and Nixon were loving it

 Then Nolan, Treo, Justin, me, and Brock sang a song with Julia accompanying us on her guitar

The entire Cates family did a hilarious rendition of Gangham Style that had everyone laughing

They had everyone go up to dance at the end

Cute Ali Phillips did a tap dance

Dane's girls each showed us some of their gymnastics.  Here's Giada



Then Bella sang "I Am a Child of God"

Then these cute girls wanted to sing too

Everyone in primary went up to sing "Nephi's Courage"

We tried for a shot of all the great grand kids

And all the grandkids - who were there

And we got one of the Scott Sanders family

Robin had some paintings done by Great Grandma Sanders, and these are the lucky people who ended up with them.

The 3 oldest grandchildren, Jeremy, Paula, and Justin

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