Thursday, January 3, 2013

Christmas Day!

Christmas morning the boys came into our room at about 7:30.  They had to wait a few minutes to go downstairs while we got dressed and brushed our teeth, and they were pretty sure that was going to kill them.  We woke Leila up, but let Talon sleep, and headed downstairs to see if Santa had come.  He had!  Even without a Christmas tree.  We didn't decorate our house this year because we are trying to sell it, so it was hard to believe that Christmas was here.  Luckily, about a week before Christmas someone made an offer on our house, and after a few counters, we were under contract!  Yay!  I was and am so happy that I don't have to keep my house show ready every single day anymore!  It was getting especially hard with Talon around.  And we didn't have to find secret nooks and crannies to stuff all our new loot into!  Seriously, that was probably the best Christmas present we could have gotten this year.  If all goes as planned, we close on the 28th of January.  I just can't believe it!  Our last Christmas in our first house.  We've been here for 7 years!  Anyway, back to Christmas.  I had to get a picture on the stairs before they saw anything.

 Here they are seeing what Santa brought them.  (We don't have any stockings yet.  Now that we have all of the kids we're going to have, I can buy some that all match.)

We soon discovered that Leila wasn't feeling well.  Great!  It's like Nixon last Christmas!  What in the world??  Where did this come from?  She was fine the day before!

Then I had to get a picture of all of them in their jammies once Talon woke up.

I asked Jace to hold Talon, but he didn't want to 
Nixon wanted to though.  At least for 5 seconds until he cried.  Then he was done.
Poor Leila just wasn't excited about all her fun presents.  At this point we didn't realize just how sick she was.  

Brock's cool Utah helmet to put on his desk at work
Talon trying to contain all of his excitement
Wow!  Mouse Trap!  Just what he wanted!

Nixon got these awesome skates

And had to try them out right away.  We had a white Christmas this year, so he had to try them in the kitchen

Action shot!  He's about to fall!
Of course, there are no pictures of me, and the fun stuff I got, but I am typing this on my brand new Imac computer!  We needed a new one, and Brock surprised me with this one!  Love it!
Then it was off to Grandma and Grandpa K's for more presents.  Talk about a million presents!

The kids all got new slippers.  Here are Nixon and Becks with theirs on.  Nixon got Batman, and Beckett got Spiderman
Cool costumes!

Jace got this joke book, and didn't put it down the whole time we were there!  He loves jokes, and this book was the perfect present for him!
More costumes!
 Pretty much right when we got there, Leila said she was tired so we put her down on Grandma's bed.  She slept through all the present opening.  Again, a repeat of Nixon from last year.  We put all her presents in a pile for her to open when she woke up.  We had breakfast - delicious scones, hash browns, and orange juice.  Finally Leila woke up and had some orange juice.  Then I held her and she cuddled with me for a while until she threw up.  Awesome.  We had to go to Granny and Grandpa's house next, so we asked her if she wanted to open her presents.  She said yes, so we went in and showed her her huge pile!  She really did try to be excited.  It was so sad.  She just sat wrapped in this blanket and watched Jace and Nixon open all her presents.  I would ask her if she loved it, and she would nod her head, but not give much more than that.  Poor baby.

We went home to get ready before heading to Grandpa Sanders condo for presents and lunch with the Sanders, minus Nolan and Treo's family.  Jace, Nix, and Leila all opted to stay in their jams.
Jace got this awesome magic show kit.  
Nixon got the rookie version of the maze ball that Jace got for his birthday
And Leila got these fun stackers
I made this cute ornament for my mom that made her cry :)  It says "Since someone we love is in heaven, there is a little bit of Heaven in our home."
My parents.  I made the family calendar for my dad, like I always do.  I never have enough pictures of them for the calendar, so I took a couple.
I never have enough of Justin and Maria either, so I took some of them
Giada wanted to take a picture of me and Brock - pretty good!
Trip and Kim got my parents these aprons - Photo OP!

Another picture by Giada.  You can see that Leila was feeling lots better by now.
Such a cute little Santa!

We had granny's smorgasbord and hung out for a few hours.  Then we headed back to Grandma B's for more presents.  At least for me and Brock.  The kids were a little disappointed when we told them that they had opened all of these presents the night before at Beckett's house.  I didn't take a single picture there!
Another Christmas has come and gone, and each year Brock and I realize just how blessed we are.  We have such wonderful friends and family who spoil us.  We are so grateful for those relationships and for our own little (well, not so little anymore) family.  What a fun time of year.

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