Monday, January 28, 2013

Jace's Hair Cut!

Any time Brock or I have asked Jace if he wants to cut his hair, he always has said no.  He loved his long hair, and I thought it was going to be around forever.  That's why I was so shocked when on Friday he told me out of the blue that he was ready to cut his hair.  He was done having long hair.  I asked if he was sure, and if we should call Angie to cut it, and he said that he was sure, but "not today".  I figured that meant that he really wasn't sure, and it wasn't going to happen.  We decided to keep it a secret from daddy until we actually cut it.  I made the appointment for the following Tuesday, and it was so hard not saying anything to Brock!  But we made it.  Tuesday morning I asked him if he was still sure he wanted it cut, and he said he was.  We headed out to Angie's.  He said he wanted it as short as Nixon's, so she got out the buzzer!  SO crazy!  I couldn't believe how long it was as she was shaving it off and dropping it to the ground.  He was smiling pretty much the whole time, which was a good sign.  I'm glad he wasn't sad about it.  I would have felt bad if he didn't like it.  When she was done, he looked like a completely different person!  It's been 2 and a half years since he had short hair, and it seems like it's been his whole life that he's had long beautiful hair!  I couldn't believe how handsome he looked when it was all done!  I mean, he's always so cute, but with all that hair out of his face you can actually see his whole face!  He immediately looked older, thinner, and totally different!


I kind of thought this was a cute look, but he said no.  Shorter.

Look at all that hair!


We called Brock to tell him that we wanted to come see him at work because Jace had a surprise.  He said, "Did his tooth finally fall out?"  I said, "I'm not telling!"  I knew he would think it was the tooth.  When we got to his office Jace had his hood on, and when he took it off Brock was shocked!  He couldn't believe it!  He loved it to.  We were so glad we decided to surprise him.  It was so fun.  We went to lunch, and then headed home.  Later that night we went to Grandma and Grandpa K's house to show them.  Again, he had his hood on, and they figured the surprise was his tooth.  Nope!  When he took off the hood they were so surprised!  Everyone loves it!  He is a new man!

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