Thursday, April 25, 2013

Nixon is 5!!!

I just can't believe our sweet Nixon is five years old!  He is growing up so fast!  This little boy sure gives us a run for our money.  He is so so sweet one second, and the next he is yelling and fighting and so mad!  Although he has a short temper, he is also just the sweetest little guy.  He loves to be with mommy, and any time he thinks I have left him, he cries and cries until he finds me.  It cracks me up.  I'll go upstairs to clean, or go to the bathroom, or shower, or whatever, and after a while I'll hear him yelling for me.  When he finally finds me, he has tears running down his cheeks and he says, "I thought you were lost!"  I love it!  Sometimes he even does it when I leave him in the car for 5 seconds to run and knock on a friends door!  I'll say, "I'm just going to grab something from ..., I'll be right back."  Then, when I get back into the car maybe two minutes later, he is crying and so upset!  I ask him what's wrong, and he says,"I didn't know where you were!  I thought you were lost!"  It breaks my heart, but I secretly love it!  If I am ever in a hurry to leave the house, and he is taking his sweet time, I just tell him I'm leaving and open the door and shut it pretending to leave, and he comes running up those stairs so fast!  I know, it's mean.  But it's affective :).  He is such a good big brother.  He and Leila play all day together when Jace is at school.  They fight a bit, but mostly they just play and play and play.  He is so sweet to Talon.  He'll come up to him and in a high pitched baby voice say fun things to him.  He'll say things like, "Oh, I see you are awake." or "Oh, I see you're eating now."  I love it.  He gets really close and talks in a baby voice and tries to make him happy if he's crying.  He loves to make him laugh.  It's so fun to watch.  He's a good helper to me, usually responding with a "Oh, sure!"  when I ask him to do me a favor.  He is in his last year of preschool, and anxiously awaiting kindergarten.  We've enrolled him in the French program at Foxboro, but we're not sure how much longer we'll be close enough to keep the kids there.  He weighs about 30 pounds, and is still below the 5th percentile for both weight and height.  He plays soccer and tball, and is getting good at both.  We are just so so happy Nixon is a part of our family!  Happy birthday buddy!

His 5 birthday balloons

Leila and I took cupcakes to his preschool class

Too cute for words!

He always wants to sit by cute Zizi

His whole class

Best buddy Beckett

When Daddy got home from work he got to open a few presents from us

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