Friday, May 3, 2013

Monday and Leila's Party with the Keddingtons

Monday was our last day, and all we did pretty much was eat breakfast, swim, and then head out.

One last picture of my cute kids before we left
 Then, that night we celebrated our sweet Leila girl one more time!  I just can't say enough about this cute girl of mine!  She brightens my whole life.  When Brock and I started our family, I really wanted a boy, and we got Jace.  Then, I really wanted another boy, and remember thinking that I would really like to have all boys.  Then we got Nixon.  Well, when it was time for us to start thinking about number three, I started thinking about how much I needed someone on my side.  I just needed to have a little girl!  Somehow my prayers were answered, and we were blessed with our sweet Leila.  I have loved having someone to dress up with bows and ruffles, and everything pink and purple.  She is so so girly - pink and purple are her favorite colors, she loves all things Disney princess, she loves to get her fingernails and toenails painted - but at the same time, she is as tough as her brothers, and loves to do everything they do!  She has so much sass and spunk, and is definitely a drama queen.  She is a great talker, and pretty much talks from the moment she wakes up to the minute she falls asleep at night.  Sometimes I even catch her talking to herself!  Today I heard her and one of her dolls saying prayers together.  Leila would say Dear Heavenly Father...and then repeat it for her doll.  Then she'd say, thank you for our Jesus... and repeat it again.  So sweet.  She likes for daddy to read to her at night and lay in bed with her "just for two minutes" at bed time.  She fights with Nixon like crazy, but spends all day playing with him.  She loves Jace so much, and wants to do everything for Talon.  She always wants to hold him, and help feed him, and loves to make him smile.  I just love this girl so much, and truly feel blessed every day that I got my little princess.

Aunt Natalie got her all the Disney Princess barbies, and even the boys all thought that was awesome!

So lucky! 
Her own camping chair to take to all the boys games

I love this happy girl!

Pretty Cinderella sunglasses

In her chair

Truly a princess at heart - that's for sure

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