Friday, May 10, 2013

St. George...Again :)

So Brock and I got back from Cabo on Monday, and I took off on Thursday to head back down to St. George for another fun girl's trip.  This one has been planned for months, and just happened to fall the weekend after President's Club.  We just went down Thursday night, and came back Sunday, so not too long, but just enough time to have a blast!
Steph Hansen (and her cute daughter Avery), Lindsey Harman, Jenn Phillips, Steph West, and I all left around 7:00pm Thursday night, and got in late that night.  Jenn's parents have a place down there, so we stayed there.  The next morning we got up and did a fun work out together, and then headed to Nolan and Treo's pool.  It was so nice and relaxing.  That night, around 6:00pm, Lisa Chavez, Alisha Van Wagoner (and her baby Blaire), and Brooklyn Schutjer all rolled in.  We got ready and went to dinner.  Then we walked to Swig and sat around and drank and talked and laughed.  When we got back to the house, we all painted our nails with Lindsey's shellac and light.
The next day was pretty much the same routine.  Got up, some worked out, we went to the pool, Nolan and Treo were there with their cute kids, and Jaylee loved hanging out with me and my friends.  We did a little shopping, got ready and went to dinner, then went to Walmart for some Dance Daring.  We would walk up behind some unsuspecting shopper and start dancing behind them without them knowing it.  It was pretty funny.  I slipped and fell and pretty much made a fool of myself!  Then we went back and had our own dance party!  The next morning Alisha, Lisa, and Brooklyn went home around 10, and the rest of us headed back to the pool for one last lay out.
I just love these ladies, and have been with most of them since high school, and some even before then. I am so lucky to have such a great group of girl friends!  I'm also grateful for friends who take pictures and send them to me so that I have something to blog, since I didn't take a single picture!

The first night
After our intense work out

On our way to the pool

Dinner and cupcakes and 25 Main

Walking to Swig

Lindsey had fun with her panoramic app

Lindsey painted everyone's nails

Our cute manis and pedis at the pool

Hot mamas!
Dinner at the Pizza Factory

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