Saturday, July 6, 2013

Nixon and the Cardinals

Nixon played Tball again this year.  We could have moved him up to coach pitch, but decided that since we were moving, and this may be the last time he plays with his Foxboro friends, to have him play Tball so he'd be on their team.  He bats left, and hits like a champ.  He is quick to get to the ball in the outfield, and runs super fast between the bases.  He got to be on Beckett's team again this year too.

This is Beckett
and Nixon

He has to hold on to his helmet since it's so big on his head
Coming home
This is what he spends his time doing while waiting to bat.  Picks grass and puts it in his hat and then dumps it on someone

Too cute with the hat backwards

I love when all the kids run and fight for the ball

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