Monday, July 8, 2013

Talon is 6 Months!

I just can not believe that this little chunk is already 6 months old!  I took him in for his well check and he's 16 pounds, which is in the 50th percentile.  His height is only 25th, so maybe that's why he looks so chunky!  He is really turning into such a sweet little baby.  He was really hard on me the first few months because he had to be held CONSTANTLY, and usually just by me, or he was crying.  It was so hard!  As he's gotten older though, he has gotten nicer too.  He is mostly happy, and all it takes is someone smiling at him to get a big smile out of him!  He still has no teeth, and I have started him on baby foods now along with formula.  He is starting to sit up, but can't do it for long yet, and he rolls from front to back, but not back to front.  He sure puts up with a lot from his "loving" brothers and sister, and usually takes it like a champ.  He loves his bumbo, and will sit in it for a while before getting upset and wanting to get out.  He can sleep through the night, and does it about half the time it seems.  I would be making him cry it out for sure at this point if we didn't live with Brock's parents and Natalie.  One day he'll sleep through the night consistantly.  Until then, I just have to try to enjoy midnight cuddle sessions :)  We sure love this little baby of ours.

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