Monday, July 8, 2013

The Piglet Plunge!

The kids were all so excited for the Piglet Plunge.  Jace was just so happy that it wasn't just me running with him this year!  At first, they were all a little leery about getting dirty, but after you get dunked in mud the first time, you get pretty used to it!  It was so so fun!

Tough Guys!
All the kids who ran
Dyson, Jordan, Nix, Jace, McKenlie, Maddie, and Kylie
Our family before
At the starting line
Cute Jace and Jordan
Love these boys!
Starting to get dirty
They thought the foam was fun

Now soaked, and dirty, and freezing!

Cute Nixon and Dyson on the rope wall
It was only a matter of time until the shirts came off!
Nixon wore his the longest which was surprising!  He's usually the first!

Nixon finally gave in.  Look at these tough guys!
Through the mud pit!

And up the mud hill

It was so slippery!  I pretty much had to drag these boys up the whole hill

Into the mud pool

Aw, so cute
Ew, nevermind!
Jace swam through the last pool and got covered!  
And we made it!!

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