Saturday, August 17, 2013

First Day of School!

We decided that since the house we found is in Woods Cross, and close enough to drive the kids to school everyday, that we would keep the kids at Foxboro.  That means that they are on A track in year round school, and that school starts waaaaay to early!  They were both really excited though.  I just can't believe that Nixon is in Kindergarten!  He has been so so excited, and is so ready.  He is starting the French Immersion program (the reason for wanting to keep them at Foxboro), and has Mme. Taylor just like Jace did.  We have been doing reading lessons together, and he is doing really really well.  He sees words wherever we go, and tries to read them.  He wishes Dyson was in his class, but a bunch of girls from our ward there are in his class, so he definitely isn't alone!

Wow!  Jace is in 2nd grade1  It seems like just 3 weeks ago he was in 1st!  Haha!  Jace excels in school, and really likes it.  I can't believe we have a 2nd grader!  He's getting so old!  He is a fantastic reader, and really does well in every subject.  He makes friends easily, and that's good because there are only a couple of people from his class last year who are in his class again.  And he is one of only 4 boys!  Crazy!  We know he'll have another great year!

 We saw Addison when we got to school, so we got a couple pics with her.  She's in NIxon's class

 So is Lauren who lived across the street from us on York

 After school these boys needed a treat, so popsicles on the front porch fit the bill!

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