Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Jace;s Last Day of 1st Grade!

Well, it has finally come.  June 28th - Jace's last day of school!  We just couldn't be happier that he can finally start coming with us to the pool and splash pad and park and all the other fun things we've already started doing.  I can't believe that he is done with 1st grade, and in just 3 1/2 weeks he'll be in 2nd!  year round school isn't my favorite in the summer.  He had a great year, and is just so smart.  We're really so proud.
Parents and families were invited to come to his class to watch an end of year slide show.  We even got cookies!  It was really fun to see him with his classmates, and we're excited that both Madam Larsen and Mrs. Harwood are moving up and will be his teachers again next year.  So he just said goodbye for about a month.  Mme. Larsen is going to have a baby any time though, so he'll have a sub for a while when he starts back up.

Jace sitting with some friends

Getting ready for the slide show to start

Mme. Larsen

Mrs. Harwood

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