Thursday, September 26, 2013

First Night

We are all so excited to be in our new house.  We have been living with Grandma and Grandpa K for the last 6 months, and as great as it has been, and as much as we have really loved living with them, we were excited to finally be in our own place again.  We can't tell you how wonderful it was to live with them.  They were so kind, so accommodating, so patient, and so giving.  They let us have 3 of their bedrooms, and we basically took over the rest of the house too!  They put up with kids getting up in the middle of the night, a newborn baby, Leila needing someone to lay with her until she fell asleep at night, cooking dinner for 5 extra people every day, early mornings, late nights, messes all the time, and just plain craziness for 6 months, and we never heard a word of complaint!  Maybe they complained to other people about us ;), but we never heard it!  We are just so lucky to have had that time with them, and although we're sad it's over, we are so excited to start this new chapter in our lives.

Here is a glimpse of what we have in store!

The kids' beds weren't put together, so they got to have a sleepover in the family room downstairs.    They were all scared though, so Daddy slept down there with them.

Talon slept in a crib for the first time ever!  He was in a pack n play at our house, and then in a little cradle at Grandma and Grandpa's house because there was no room for a crib.  He did great, and slept all night!

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