Thursday, September 26, 2013


Brock's family thought that we needed to go to Lagoon since it's been so long since we have been there.  It's just so dang expensive!  We're glad we went though.  It was so fun, and the kids loved it!  We started at Lagoon-a-beach for some swimming and sliding.


Jace was the only kid big enough for the slides

In the kid area though, Nixon managed to have some fun

I even got to go down some slides!
Nice form
Poor Leila woke up sick, and pretty much laid down or slept until about 1:00, so she missed all the swimming fun.
Talon thought it was fun to pinch and hit Leila.  She didn't think it was quite as fun
Luckily, soon after we were done swimming, she perked right up, and was happy as could be!

Nap time for the little miss
Talon even got to go on a ride!

Jace rode alone, so he got to shoot both guns!

Grandma got to hold these two cuties

I love this picture of Brenda and Grandma getting soaked!
Leila and I had to go with a couple of girls we didn't know, but we had fun too!
Luckily those two got most of the waterfall!  I tried to protect Leila
But she did get wet!

The boys had to go a couple more times

They were soaked!
 We definitely should have gone on that ride first thing, so that we could dry off and warm up in the sun!  These boys were freezing the whole way home!
We had so much fun at Lagoon, and might have to make it a yearly thing!

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