Thursday, September 26, 2013

Moving Day

September 7th finally came, and again, we had so much help!  We picked a busy day to move because it was also the day the kids all had their first soccer games, the Utes played at home at noon, and BYU had a home game too, so we had to be sure to get all of our stuff moved in by about 11:00.  Well, not that I'm surprised, but we had the help of so many friends and family, that it all got done, and everyone was able to get where they needed to be.

Lynette and Madelyn

Brock and Andy moving the washer and dryer



Steve and Justin had to move the couch as Brenda watched

Lynette had to get a picture of me.  She thought it was pretty funny (annoying) that I just stood there eating a donut while everyone else slaved away!  Hey, there has to be someone directing, right?  

Brock's cousin Nate

Brock, Andy, and Ian working on getting the fridge in

I had to leave early to get the kids to soccer, and I didn't get pictures of lots of people.  I feel bad about that, but we are just so grateful for such wonderful people in our lives who are willing to help whenever we need it!

1 comment:

  1. never once did I think it was annoying! I thought it was adorable. You should remove that! Loves & Smooches
