Monday, October 14, 2013

Date Night With Jace

Brock and I thought it would be fun to take Jace out for a fun night the night before he got baptized.  We dropped the other kiddos off with Grandma and Grandpa K, and went bowling.  It was really fun.  We had to make it a competition, so the first game Brock had to beat Jace by 50 points in order to "win".  He won by 51!  Of course Jace couldn't just leave it at that, so we played another game.  This time my score plus Jace's score had to beat Brock's score in order for Jace to win.  This time we killed Daddy!  The prize?  Jace got to pick the dessert at dinner.  He really wanted lava cake from Chili's, so that's where we headed after a quick stop at Costco for some bowls for his baptism lunch.  After dinner we ordered the Reese's peanut butter lava cake, and oh my goodness was it delish!  Good choice Jace!  We had such a fun night with just our big guy before his big day.

Daddy teaching Jace how to throw the ball

Nice form!

This is the score of the 2nd game

He wanted to play one quick arcade game before we left.
Look at that chocolatey peanut buttery goodness!

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