Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Jace's Birthday List

With all of this talk about Jace's birthday list in the last few posts, I had to take a picture of it.  He made this list months ago, and I am so glad I was able to find it even after moving!

It says:
Infinity for the 3DS - he got it for the XBox.  We made an executive decision that it would be more fun if he could play with another player.
Iron Patriot
Superman Toy
Superman roller skates (if there isn't superman roller skates then just any kind).
Pocket Knife
A new bike - which he actually got a couple of months ago so that he could ride it while the weather was still good.

This guy is easy to please, and when he opened the few presents from just us on his birthday morning, he didn't complain about not getting Infinity, or roller skates.  He never even mentioned them.  Then, at his party at Grandma and Grandpa K's, he was so excited to open up everything- including Infinity, but again, didn't complain or even mention roller skates.  I'm grateful for a boy who tells us what he wants, and then is happy with what he gets.  I love this boy.

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