Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Jace's Birthday...Morning

Yeah, Jace had such a fun, busy day on his birthday that I am going to break it up into parts :)
He woke up and saw that the balloon fairy had come and left 8 balloons hanging from his ceiling.  We were so glad she found our new house, and Jace's new room!  I have to add here, that later Jace said that he doesn't think the balloon fairy is real.  I tried explaining that it is, but he said that he woke up when he heard some noise in his room, and saw dad hanging the balloons.  Good one Dad.  I tried to cover saying that Daddy was just helping because with EIGHT balloons, it's hard work!  He didn't believe me.  Well, at least it lasted 8 years.  What will he stop believing next?  I don't want to think about it.  He's already too old.

Then he was so excited to have some presents to open before daddy left for work.

Nixon got him a fun Superman toy

Leila got him this awesome skeleton jacket, and they were twinners!
Talon got him a laser toy so he could play with him.
You can hardly see the red from the laser by Talon's finger in this pic, but they had fun playing together
We're not sure why, or where Jace got the idea that he needed a pocket knife for his birthday, but it was on his list, and the thing he probably wanted most.  We had a talk with him about safety, but he cut himself trying to open his new superman toy.  Good one mom and dad.

 Daddy made breakfast - JACE pancakes!

Here he is with all the "tools" out on his pocket knife
Not the best angle coming from Nixon, but here we are with the birthday boy.  

 Wow.  I can't believe that my baby boy is eight years old.  It blows my mind.  This little boy makes us so happy.  I can't imagine my life without him.  He truly is so kind, and caring, and loving.  I'm really proud of the big boy he is becoming.  He does so well in school, and for the most part loves going.  He makes friends wherever he goes, and is so easy to get along with.  When I went to his school for his birthday, one of his friends came to me to get my phone number so that they could play while they were off track.  Then another one came and wanted it too.  I loved it.  He is an amazing reader, and loves reading.  He is also excellent at math and spelling, and has gotten 100% on every spelling test ever, and only missed one math question.  His teachers are so impressed with him as well, and glad that he is in their class.  He is so funny, and loves to tell jokes.  His laugh is infectious, and can be heard throughout an entire movie theater or across the whole football field, which I love.  He is so willing to help when I need him, and is so good with Talon.  He is pretty darn competitive, and wants to be first at everything!  But he is also very quick to get over a loss.  He is about to be baptized, and I just couldn't be prouder.  The other day I asked who opened my gum, and Leila said she did.  Jace yelled from the other room, no Mom, it was me.  It really was, I don't want to lie.  I think he is realizing what it means to be baptized, and some of the responsibilities that come with it.  I love this boy more than I can say, and I am just so happy that I am his mother.

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