Monday, December 16, 2013

Holiday Randoms

We went to Festival of Trees, and got to see lots of fun trees.  I had to leave earlier than everyone else because of Young Women's, so the boys stayed with Natalie and Kallie and I took the others home.

I had to get a picture of this "Finding Nemo" tree.  It was awesome!
 My poor kids each took their turns being sick last week.  It started with Jace throwing up Friday night, then Nixon got a really high fever Saturday and Sunday and just laid around all day both days, then stayed home from school Monday.  Leila got the same high fever Tuesday around 3:00, and was lying on the couch until Wednesday around noon.  Then Jace got it Wednesday and stayed home from school Wednesday and Thursday, pretty much not getting off the couch for two days!  Luckily Brock and I didn't get it, and somehow Talon didn't either!  He's had his own little sinus infection going on, and is on antibiotics as I write this.  I am just hoping and praying that this is all we get this winter, and we'll all be healthy over the holidays!
It did give me extra cuddle time with my cute kiddos
 I took the kids to see Santa and Mrs. Clause, and Talon was NOT a fan!  I tried to bribe him with a cookie to see if that would calm him long enough for a picture, but no.  And you can see the cookie in the back of his wide open screaming mouth!  Love it!

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