Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Sleeping Beauty

Leila was in her first ballet performance with Creative Arts Academy.  They put on The Sleeping Beauty.  It was so fun to watch her!  I wish they had more than one performance a year, but...

Here she is all ready to head out.  I think she looks so cute in her Utes warm ups

We got there really early to be sure to get good seats, and I headed to the back with her to get her costume on, and wait for her class


They had lots of fun things for the girls to do while they waited

She was really scared, and didn't want me to leave her.  I was so nervous for her!  I really didn't want her to get on stage, and get scared, and cry, or run off the stage.  She kept saying that she wanted to be where daddy was.  I told her that daddy and I would be sitting in the audience, and when she got on stage she could look for us, and we'd be right there.  She was hesitant, but finally said I could go.  I went and took my seat.
They said no flashes, so this is the only shot I have of her on stage.  You can't even see her!
 She did so great!  We have video of it, and I am so happy because she followed her teacher up there, and did all the moves, and didn't look scared at all!  My favorite part of the whole performance though, was at the end.  As soon as they hit their end pose and stood to go off stage, she put her hands up to her eyes trying to block all the bright lights and looked and looked for me and daddy!  All her class went off stage, and she was left standing alone looking for us!  There were a bunch of us in the audience, and we were all waiving at her, but the lights were so bright in her eyes, and the audience was so dark that she couldn't see us.  Her teacher ran back on stage and took her hand and led her off stage.  It was seriously one of the cutest things I have ever seen!  It made me so happy, and I even got a little teary-eyed!  She was on stage for about 1 minute of the whole play, but I couldn't have been prouder of my little ballerina!
Daddy brought her flowers

She loved them, and wanted to smell them
Cute Addison came with Jessi to watch her
Aunt Brenda came
Izabel came with Lynette
Of course Grandma and Grandpa K were there.  Granny and Grandpa came too, but they left as soon as it was over.  Aunt Natalie brought Gracie too, but I didn't get a picture of them darn it!
Daddy and I were just so proud!

I love this picture!  These boys loved watching their sister perform!

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