Thursday, May 29, 2014

Arizona Day 6

Today the contest at the pool was fastest down the slide!  Julia got off work early, so she even got to join in with the rest of us.  It was pretty funny!  Brock, Justin, Granny and Grandpa all went golfing, and Nolan and Treo took their kids to the zoo, so they missed this contest.  Jace did awesome, and won his age category, I came in a close 2nd to a lady we didn't know, and Dane was the fastest of everyone there, with a time of like 4.5 seconds or something!  Julia was hilarious.  She would go, and we waited and waited, and finally she came slowly sliding down.  We were all laughing, and her 2nd attempt was the same.  She ended up getting a slower time than Leila!  After lunch they had a balloon popping game where everyone tied a balloon to their ankle, and then tried to pop everyone else's balloons while keeping their own unpopped.  It was pretty fun to watch.  First the kids went, and Bella made it to the top 3, and then it was the adults.  I was actually kind of nervous!  I made it pretty far, and even popped some girl's balloon, but then I heard mine pop out of nowhere, and I looked back and it was BROCK!  He popped MY balloon!  Then he hurried and popped Nolan's, and it was down to him and one other guy.  They were hilarious to watch, and just kept trying and trying until finally Brock popped the other guy's balloon and WON!  So funny!  He had a couple war wounds, but another free Margarita!  That night was Matt's bachelor party, so all the men went to dinner and then go-carting.  Granny and Grandpa wanted to take Julia out to dinner, so they went, and my cousin Michelle had flown in earlier that day, so she went with them.  For dinner, Treo and I fed our kids, and then I went to Paradise and brought home food.  Annie and her girls had pizza, and then we all met back in my room to watch a movie.




Dane - Look at that form!  Arms crossed and everything

Julia is laughing because she knows she was going pretty dang slow!


Finally daddy was back from golfing, so he could play with all the kids

Future cheerleader?

Oh yeah, one leg!

I told her to put her arms up and yell GO UTES!

All the grandkids, minus the babies

Talon thought he was such a big boy walking around the pool by himself

We really have some pretty cute kids

You can't tell in the picture, but they were all spitting

The balloon popping contest

These were the last two, and they were hilarious!


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