Thursday, May 29, 2014

Arizona Day 8 - WEDDING DAY!

What a special day.  We have all looked forward to this day forever, but especially in the last couple of months.  Julia has looked, and searched, and waited for the perfect guy, for her best friend, and soul mate for a long time, and we're all just so thrilled that she found him.  We're a little bummed that she had to move to Arizona to find him, and that they will live their lives there together, but if that's the way it has to be, then we're glad that she has Matt, and his wonderful family there with her.  We had such a fun, busy day.
First, I woke up early so that I could go with my mom and dad to pick Julia up, and have her to the temple by 8:00am.  The Gilbert Temple is beautiful, and it was a beautiful day.  It was already pretty dang warm outside when we got there at 8.
The temple ceremony was beautiful, and my favorite part was when they were hand in hand across the alter, and the sealer was beginning to "pronounce them husband and wife", and Julia just started shaking her head.  Like she couldn't believe this was finally happening!  Loved it!  They came out of the temple, and we did pictures for a little while, and it was soooooo HOT!  Then when the families were no longer needed, we drove out to Sonic to grab a quick drink and snack before the lunch.
The luncheon was held at The Wright House", and it was so beautiful!  The food was delicious, and they even had pizookies!  I was so dang nervous about my speech, that I couldn't even eat one!  I made sure to get one after I was done.  Matt's brother was the emcee, and he gave the first speech.  He was followed by me, and then Matt's dad, and my dad.  The speeches were so good!  Matt went next, and was so sweet, and then Julia.  She ended with a song that she wrote for the occasion.  Loved it!  When the luncheon was over, they made their exit, and as they were driving away, Brock said, "I'm going to miss her.  She's not OUR Julia anymore."  It's true, and as happy as I am for her, and I am OVER THE MOON!, I am also really sad.  It's not good enough to get to see her once or twice a year!  That's not okay with me!  Brock said,"I kind of feel like I know what it's like to let my baby go!"  So sweet.

They headed off into wedded bliss, and we went back to the condo and swam for an hour or two, and then went to dinner.  We went back to the condo, and sat in front of the fire for a minute, and then went up to pack up.  We had decided that we wanted to leave at 4:00am the next morning since it was such a long drive, and I didn't want to get home too late since the boys had school the next day.  We packed the car and went to bed, and then started our day waaaaay too early!  The kids all slept until about 9:00, and we had made it to Boulder, Nevada.  We ate breakfast there, and then drove the half hour to Las Vegas where we dropped Brock off.  He had a convention there that night, and had to be there until Tuesday.  I was so glad to have my mom with me to keep me company and help with the kids the rest of the way.  We finally rolled in to SLC around 5:00pm.  LONG DAY.
Such a fun trip has come to an end, and so many fun memories that we'll never forget!  I am so happy that Julia is married.  I am so happy that she has found her true love.  I wish them the very best in their lives together!

At Julia's apartment

Driving to the temple

I had to take the last few pictures of her as Julia Sanders!

Cute kiddos waiting the the bride and groom to come out

And her first picture as Julia Halls!

All the nieces (minus Liv) plus one of Matt's

Huggies for sisters!

And my new brother in law!

Love this picture!

All of Julia's nieces and nephews - my friend's mom made all the girl's dresses and I love them!

Our family at the luncheon

Love this man!

I took a couple pics of the couple getting pictures done

Eating!  The food was great!

Here is the one and only picture Brock took of me giving my speech.  Awesome.

And here they all are enjoying the fire on our last night in Scottsdale

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