Thursday, May 29, 2014

Nixon Plays for the Lake Monsters!

While players on Jace's baseball team have been out of town, Coach Skee has asked the siblings of some of the players to fill in for the missing boy.  Well, Jordan was going out of town, so Skee asked if Nixon would fill in for him.  I was super nervous, but told him that yes, Nixon would love that.  I was tortured all day trying to decide if I should miss this game to go to a shower for my cousin Chris's soon to be wife.  In the end, I decided that there would be many more games, but that I should support my aunts and cousin.  To be honest, I wish I had gone to the GAME!  The shower was great, but I missed a great game, where the sportsmanship was at its best, and where my boys cheered each other on hit or miss.  I made Brock text me the play by plays, and that kind of made it worse!  He said that Nixon struck out the first two times, but that he did hit the ball foul.  I was so proud that he hit off the machine!  He's never even tried that before!  His second time up he struck out again, but hit a foul.  Jace hit a double!  Then he sent me pictures of Nixon playing 3rd base, and Jace at shortstop.  So cute!  Then, Nixon's third time up to bat he got a hit, and ran as fast as he could, but he had hit it pretty much right to the pitcher, and they barely got him out at 1st!  The team was cheering him on like crazy!
Then he sends me a text saying, "You would be crying right now.  Skee subbed him in to run for Easton and he scored, and the team was cheering and he was loving it"  That made me tear up for sure! Then, the last text he sent, "Jace just got the game ball."  Of COURSE!  How could I miss this game?? I thought it was so sweet that Skee even thought to let Nix sub in for Easton, just so he could run the bases, and get a run!  Everyone said that Nixon's face was priceless, and everyone was going crazy cheering for him.  Brock said that Jace was 1st in the batting order, and Nixon was last, so as Nixon walked back to the dugout, and Jace walked out to the plate, they would high five each other.  I love that.  And that when the whole team was high fiving him after he ran home, Jace gave him the best, biggest one of all.  I sure love these boys of mine!

Nixon up to bat - lefty

Jace and Nix in the outfield

Nixon getting ready to bat

Warming up on the hit stick

The boys high fiving as they switch out

My man Jace up to bat

Talon wants to play too!

Nixon at 3rd, and Jace at short

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