Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Paint Balling!

Heather and Lyndsey thought it would be fun to go to dinner and then paintballing for their birthdays!  We went to Tepanyaki for dinner, which was so much fun, and then paintballing.  We were all geared up and ready to play, but then once I actually got out there, I was scared!  I hardly moved, and let off a few shots before getting hit - PAINFUL!! Then ran to get cover.  The second game was a little better.  Well, at least I lasted a little longer.  I let off a bunch of shots that time, but got hit.  At least I hit the guy who hit me!  After two games, they pull everyone back out of the "war zone" to load up or leave, or whatever.  Lynette, Jessi, and I decided that two games was enough for us!  Everyone else played a few more while we chatted.  Overall it was a fun night, and I'm glad we did it, but I probably won't be paintballing again any time soon.

Here we are just after buying our balls

And here we are with all our gear

Me and Brock

Lynette and Joey

Todd and Heather

Jessi and Paul

And for some reason, I don't have a picture of Aaron and Lyndsey

This is the welt on my thigh.  It hit me right on a scar, so that is what is  raised in the middle.  It turned purple and got bigger over the next few days.

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