Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Talon's Rash

Talon was sick about a week and a half ago, so I took him in and he had a slight case of RSV, and an ear infection.  The doctor gave him an antibiotic, and since he had recently been on Amoxicillan, he upped it, and gave him Augmentin this time.  Well, on his 9th day of treatment, Talon totally broke out in a horrible rash all over!  I didn't know what it was from, and started asking some friends.  They almost unanimously said that it was most likely an allergic reaction from his antibiotic.  I called the doctors office, and they said that yes, rashes like this will show up on around day 9 or 10 of an antibiotic treatment if they're allergic to it.  I stopped the antibiotic, took him to the doctor, and they gave him a steroid.  It definitely got worse before it got better, but after a couple of days, the swelling went down.  The rash wasn't completely gone for a couple of weeks though!

Day 1

Day 2

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