Friday, December 26, 2014

Back to School Night

We got to go to the brand new Odyssey Elementary school ribbon cutting ceremony, and Back to School Night.  It was really cool!  It almost didn't happen.  I had been getting emails from both Foxboro and Odyssey, but I figured the emails from Foxboro were just because they hadn't taken us off the email list yet, so I thought we were fine.  We had already filled out variances for Odyssey, and gotten a letter in the mail saying that they were accepted.  But on Monday, we were supposed to get an email saying who their teachers were, and when we didn't have one by Wednesday, I called in to find out why.  The secretary said that they weren't registered there, and that they were going to Foxboro.  She said that first grade was fine (Nixon) but that the 3rd grade, French Immersion class was already full, and that Jace would have to go to Foxboro, so they put Nixon in there too.  I was furious!  Not that Foxboro isn't a good school, but school was starting in two days, and we had been planning on Odyssey all along!  She told me she'd talk to the principal, but that it probably wouldn't change anything.  I wrote emails to both principals, and by the next morning, I had received word that they were just going to let them go to Odyssey.  Whew!  I was so relieved!  Jessi had Addi in Odyssey, and I was so glad to know that if I ever need help with getting the kids to or from school in a pinch that she could do it.  Anyway, Back to School night was that night, so we were glad to get to go see the new school, and know that our boys would be going there.

The ribbon cutting 
 The school is sectioned into 4 different areas.  It's all based around movement, and they are Run, Jump, Fly, and Swim.  They had a live animal in each area of the school!
An Aligator for swim

A pony for run

A parrot for fly

And frogs for jump
We got to walk around the school, and see who their teachers would be, and where their classes were.  The boys are so excited to go to this brand new school!

The next day, one of my friends said she saw me with the kids in the newspaper from Back to School night!  This was the picture!

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