Friday, December 26, 2014

First Day of School!

I can not believe that another summer is over!  It truly goes by way too fast!  My boys were excited to start a new year of school, but I was just sad.  They're getting too big too fast, and I have yet another big boy starting first grade, and gone ALL DAY!  It's nice to not to have to drive to the school 3 times a day anymore, like with a kindergartner, but I miss my boys, and especially my Nixon since this is his first time being gone all day.

Jace is starting 3rd grade!!  What??

And this little man is in FIRST!!

Nixon and Addi

Leila takes a million of these pictures, and I usually delete them, but I should probably keep ONE!

I had made cookies, and after school, we talked all about their first day!

Nixon and Talon love each other so much, and they really missed each other all day.  They're both laying on my lap, which makes me happy too.  I think Nixon even missed mommy.

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