Saturday, December 27, 2014

Getting BUFF!

I have been in a 12 week challenge at my gym since September 23rd, so I'm about half way through.  It has been so hard!  I really really love working out at my gym, that's been easy, but trying to eat the low carb diet he has us on, is killing me!  But I have to admit, I am seeing results!  I have always wanted a toned, muscular body, and I am finally seeing it!  One of my friends at the gym was watching me do the heavy tire lifts, and asked if she could take pictures so that I could see my progress.  I am so happy that she did, because it really shows my muscles in action!

Then, since I can finally do pull-ups, I asked her to take some pictures of me doing them.  I'm up to being able to do 10 pull ups in a row!!

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