Friday, December 26, 2014

Jace is NINE!?!?!

Somehow this sweetest boy of mine turned 9!  I don't know how it happened!  I blinked, and here it was, his ninth birthday.  Jace makes me so proud.  He is so smart, and so kind, and really handsome, and just the best son a mother and father could ask for.  He loves sports - all kinds, and really loves to read.  His favorite books right now are the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, and he has read all of them...a couple of times.  He loves video games, and computer games - Minecraft and Poptropica take up most of his time.  He always talks about the things he's going to invent when he grows up.  One of our old neighbors lost their son in a drowning accident, and Jace said, "When I grow up, I'm going to invent a time machine so that I can go back to that day, and save Garrett."  He's so sweet.  He is very good at obeying mom and dad, and likes to make good choices.  He is very helpful with his brothers and sister, and is such a great example to them.  He likes school, and gets right up every morning, gets dressed, brushes his teeth, and eats his breakfast without any complaining.  (Mostly because I told him he can't play the computer in the morning until all of that stuff is done.)  He excels in school, and his French teacher pulled me aside when I brought treats to his class for his birthday, and told me that Jace is one of his best students.  He understands, and speaks very well, and is at the top of his class.  He just makes me so happy.  I feel so blessed to be his mom, and can not believe that it has been NINE YEARS since I held that 8 lb 11 oz.  baby boy in my arms for the first time, and fell immediately, overwhelmingly in love.
We woke up, and opened a few presents before daddy had to leave for work.
9 balloons!

Leila got him the Beados that he wanted

And Nixon got him a fun game for the XBox

 Then, for lunch I went to McDonald's and got him a happy meal, and took it to school and had lunch with him.  It was so fun!  His and Nixon's lunches overlap a bit, so I got to eat with both of my cute boys!

Brendan, Nixon, and Bode like to eat outside 
Talon got to come with me too!
The cutest 3 boys I know!
It was fun to see Addi too!
Mommy with her boys

 Then, Jace asked if I could stay and watch him play wall ball with his friends for recess.  Well, as I've said before, there were a couple of years where Jace didn't want me anywhere near him at school, so if he is asking me to stay, that is exactly what I'm going to do!  It was really fun too!  He would do a cool move or have a great throw and look over to make sure I was watching, or get my attention before a big throw to make sure I could see him.  I was basically in heaven.  I know it sounds silly, but I love this boy so much, and I was so happy that he wanted me to be there, and to see him.

I love that he lets Nixon play with him and his friends

Ready for a huge "overthrow"
Nice throw!

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