Saturday, December 27, 2014

Sanders Family Reunion 2014!

Oh my gosh!  Another successful Sanders Reunion at Aspen grove is in the books!  I can't believe it's already over!  We look forward to this for two years, and then start counting down the days, and I just can't believe it's over.  We had so much fun, and the only thing that could have made it better is if everyone could have made it.  It was especially sad not having Grandpa there.
We got there Wednesday night, and it was fun catching up with cousins and Aunts and Uncles and everyone trickled in.  There were a few games that first night, and a delicious taco soup dinner.
They had a baby crawling contest, and we entered Talon even though he can walk.  That was probably cheating, because he killed it!

He won some applesauce!
 Then Aunt Robin, who does so much to make this reunion possible, kind of welcomed everyone, and went over the "schedule" and who was in charge of what.

Thursday started with some playing outside!  The adults played in the Turkey Bowl, and I was the only girl this year!  There was a little snow, but it was pretty warm outside, so coats and gloves were shed quickly as we heated up.  I had some pretty good plays, with an interception, and almost turned it into a touch down!  Brock grabbed my flag right before the goal line!  It was lots of fun, and thanks to the gym, I could have played all day!  Since Brock and I were both playing, I didn't get any pictures.

Then we went sledding.

She's laughing in this picture, I promise!

Talon was kind of scared

 Then we got ready for the big family picture, and then dinner.

I love my family!
I had bought this adorable Thanksgiving outfit for Leila, so she had to change after family pics.

I went to town!
 After dinner and some resting, we had the Left/Right game.

Uncle Todd is the official reader

 Lots of games were played.
Grandpa playing Bingo with the kids

Jace loves Uncle Justin
 Friday Uncle Nolan took Leila and Nixon sledding while Brock, Julia, and I went on a run down the canyon.  I was so proud of my run!  It was a lot of down hill, but I was flying!  Faster than I've ever run before!  I ended up running about 6.5 miles, and my slowest mile was about 8:30!  My fastest was like 7:49!  I know that's not super fast, for most people, especially being downhill, but it was cruising for this short legged, slow running girl!  It felt great!

The ping pong tournament was in full swing on Friday.
Jace had to play granny - and even though she won, she let him advance

Jalee and Leila played for fun

I had to play Aunt Vicki, and beat her 2 games to none

Matt and Dane played, and made it a nail biter!  Dane was the victor!

Then Jace had to play Justin, and lost.

Brock had already won his first round against Uncle Ron, so now he had to play Edwin

Brock won, and then he played me, and of course won.  
 I went back to the condos, and it came down to Brock and my cousin Aaron in the finals, and Brock was victorious yet again!  Undefeated champion...again!

I was in charge of the kids crafts this year, and one of them was this cute rice krispy turkey!  The kids had fun making them.

Then it was time for the tape ball game.  The kids love this.

Here is a picture of Brock getting his prize for winning at Ping Pong!

Later that night was the family talent show.
Those of us who didn't have a talent to share got up and did the electric slide!

Matt played the guitar while Julia sang a beautiful song

And then Matt sang one by himself!

Granny and Grandpa sang Horse and Buggy

Nixon did some awesome dance/karate moves

Dad and his brothers and sisters played a fun shoe game
 Then out came the bags for the bag game!


Bernie was pretty hilarious



Nixon and Talon were stretching

Dane and Bernie tied their shoes together to try to balance off of each other

Jace made it pretty far!

Julia and Matt both made it to the last round

And so did I
 After 4 of us made it to the final round, Julia, Matt, Abby, and myself, Uncle Ron cut out a tiny piece of paper for us to try to get.  He said that whoever got it first was the winner.

I got it pretty quick, and was the winner!

Then Bernie wanted to have a planking contest, so I had to get in on that!  I beat all the adults!  Thanks again to the gym!

Saturday was the last day, and everyone pretty much just got up and packed up to leave.  It's always so sad when it's all over, and we know it's going to be another two years until we do this again.  I just love this crazy, fun, silly, awesome family of mine!
We have been keeping our Thankful Tree going the whole month of November, and it was fun to have a full tree.  We really do have so much to be grateful for!

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